Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Parmesan Puffs - TWD: Baking with Julia

Tuesdays with Dorie: Baking with Julia - 93rd installment. The recipe is Parmesan Puffs.

Didn't mean to completely fall off the wagon on Baking with Julia - I have been baking and keeping up with the monthly recipes, but not setting aside the time to blog about it!  Clearly, baking is more important to me than writing :-)  But now it's time to catch up on the backlog....

These puffs are described as a way to use up puff pastry scraps.  I didn't have any leftovers, so I needed to make another batch of puff pastry - at least all this repetition is demystifying the puff pastry process! 

You roll out the dough, cut it into diamonds (I used a fluted pastry cutter) and heat up 2" of peanut oil.  Once the oil is at 325 degrees, you fry the diamonds for 5 minutes.

After frying, you sprinkle the puffs with parmesan cheese.  The puffs were really delicious, and we devoured them quickly.  This is a really simple recipe and would be pretty handy if you had some scraps hanging around after a puff pastry project - the only drawback is the hassle of disposing of deep frying oil after you're done. 

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